Henry Starkopf (?->1950)  

foto zoon van Stanislav Starkopf en Anna Malipan


  • is overleden na 1950 te Israël.

Eigen code:



For source of information: see persons record of earliest known ancestor: N.N. Starkopf. Fell in love with a Roman-Catholic girl, in Warszawa, and married her. Because of this, his parents sat sjiwwe, and ever since denied contact with him. His mother secretly visited him and her grandchildren, and brought cookies. When the Germans decreted that non-Jewish husbands and wifes in mixed marriages must either devorce or be deported together with their partners, his wife and daughter gave him the choice to leave home or the be reported to the nazi's. He made his choice to leave and his son followed him. He survided the war, and after that tried to contact other surviving relatives. In that way he found Adam and Pela Starkopf, to whom he told this story in tears. Later, in the USA, Adam and Pela received packages for a Starkopf, who presumably is Henry Starkopf's son; that son supposedly lives in New York State, on a farm, but could never be traced by the family. Went to Israel to die as a Jew; died early fifties.


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2018, J. Sturkop